Starlight - PAPER pattern

Starlight - PAPER pattern

Regular price $8.95 Sale

66” x 70” quilt

Materials Needed:
* 1 Jelly Roll (40 2-1/2“ x WOF strips)
* 1-3/4 yards fabric (for large triangles*)
* 2-1/2 yards fabric (for small triangles*)
* 5/8 yards binding fabric
* 4-1/4 yards backing fabric
* 70” x 75” cotton batting

*Note: The large triangles are shown in white on the navy/white quilt on the cover, and the small triangles are shown in navy.

Fabric is April Showers by Bonnie & Camille for Moda 

Just a note: Turns out a 60 mark on a rectangle ruler and a 60 degree triangle shaped ruler yield different size triangles. IF you use a Creative Grids or other brand 60 degree triangle ruler, you will need to cut larger strips for your large triangles. Before you cut your large triangles, please measure your finished pieced triangle unit and cut large triangles the same size.